Defart is …
- a visual programming system for sony AIBOs.
- developed for writing game programs of RoboCup Soccer Four Legged League.
- aimed at easy-to-use programming system for beginner.
- separated into PC side and AIBO side. PC side is written in Squeak, and AIBO side is written in C++ and OPEN/R SDK.
Using Defart, You can …
- write programs only by using mouse.
- create AIBO motions, and use them in your codes.
- get images from AIBO’s camera through wireless networks, also control the AIBO remotely.
- get some ideas about technics and technologies of robot programming.
Typical Programming Window
- Above figure is typical programming window of the Defart system.
- All programs are represented by State Transition Networks.
- You can make many State Transition Networks in a program and relate to each other.
- Circles mean states and arrows mean actions.
- Each arrow has its condition and corresponding action.
- When a condition of arrow is true, its corresponding action will be taken.
- You can select conditions and actions using only mouse.
- Keyboard is needed only for writing comments.
Conditions, Actions and more.
- There are many conditions and actions of arrows.
- Visual conditions is often used. It checks if any objects (ball, goal, marker) is specified range.
- Other conditions are Timer, Counter and so on.
- Actions are moving around, searching objects and changing facial expression.
- If the Defart system and AIBOs are connected through the wireless connection, user can control AIBO remotely.
Required System
- OPEN-R SDK 1.1.5 r3.(This service will close at May 2007.)
- Squeak 2005J. (Japanese version only)
- Windows, Linux (Debian), Mac OS X